Friday, September 17, 2010


We're here! Tom and his friend Jared picked us up from the airport early this morning and we headed through Nairobi to he and Anna's house. The air has that great developing-world smell of dust and diesel, and the city itself feels rather chaotic. The roads are full of buses and "matatus", the mini-buses most people use to get around, as well as all kinds of people getting around by bike and by food. The sides of nearly every street are lined with shacks selling food, fuel and the like and behind those are rows of mid-rise apartment-type buildings, many unfinished. I'll let others share their first impressions later on too (perhaps once we've gotten past our exhaustion from 36 hours of travel over 9 time zones), but so far for me at least so good! Once we got to Tom's place, we had some breakfast and showed Tom and Anna the things we had brought for the kids. Tom told us about some good developments with the orphanage, which I'll write about when I have a little more time. For now we're trying to wake ourselves up and decide where to head for this afternoon and tomorrow.

btw - a praise and prayer request - all but one of our bags made it, so praise for that and prayer the other shows up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad y'all made it :) Hope you enjoyed today!!! Blessings from the other side of the world :)
