Monday, March 7, 2011


In the wake of the car accident in which several of our friends in Nairobi were involved last week, we've decided to use this blog, for the time being, to keep everyone up to date on what's going on in Kenya and what prayer and financial needs they still have. Here is the latest:

Tom has already begun physical therapy at the hospital in Nairobi, and may get out of the hospital this week. Evans and Hillary (Tom's father) are both also receiving the medical care they need for their injuries. Ben's funeral will take place March 19th; the delay was Tom's request as he very much wanted to be present for the funeral.

Anna is still in Poland with the children, and has expressed multiple times her gratitude for the support that Celebration and other churches in the US and Europe have provided through this time. Tom's sister Evelyn is taking care of Tom, Evans and Hillary, and I've asked her to keep us apprised of how things are going, as well as any other needs they have so we can continue to stand with them. It is a huge blessing to have someone as capable and efficient as Evelyn to help manage things through a time like this.

To everyone who has prayed or given financially, thank you very very much for all you're doing. I am confident that God will show His power even through this and use it to advance His kingdom in Korogocho. If you haven't yet given but would like to, you can always do so by writing a check to Connection Ministries with Kenya Medical in the memo line, and mailing to:

Connection Ministries
Kenya Medical
PO Box 1973
Oregon City, OR 97045

Jerry Waggener is managing the funds transfer to Kenya, so feel free to contact him ( or me with any questions. In the meantime, please keep praying for healing for Tom, Hillary and Evans, for peace and discernment for Anna and Evelyn, and for God's comfort on all of them. Thank you all again, and we will keep you up to date on any news as we hear it.

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