Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tom in Poland!

Not long after posting earlier this week, I heard from Tom that he has made it to Poland and is there with Anna and the children now. He made the trip much sooner than he had expected and there are so many reasons to praise God for it - for one, the whole family is together now and Tom has finally gotten to meet his new son John (who's now more than 3 months old!) For another, Tom has more confidence in the Polish doctors than some of those in Kenya and he hopes to get better advice and treatment for his ongoing healing. Most of anything now, though, Tom finally has the chance to just relax after over a month of chaos in Nairobi.

Prayer is needed for those in Kenya as they continue to manage things while Tom is gone. They're no strangers to doing this of course since he has traveled a number of times, but still we pray God's blessings on them. Pray also for Tom's time with his family, that they would be given new strength, be brought closer together as a family, and that God would speak to and direct them in their time away from the "field."

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